Jane Longley-Cook Volunteer Service Award

Purpose:  Provide an opportunity for Agricultural Alumni Volunteers to attend and participate at the NAADA conference.

Description of Award: The Volunteer Service Award will cover a portion of NAADA Conference expenses such as registration and hotel nights. The number of available scholarships each year will depend on the funds available from investments (as determined by the NAADA Exec Committee).

Eligibility Requirements: 

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. The nominee must be a volunteer in some capacity from a member institution.
  2. Demonstrate an interest in the mission and goals of NAADA. 

Application Procedure:

  1. Member institution must complete an application.
  2. Cover letter describing nominees interest in both NAADA and the member institution.
  3. Brief summary highlighting relevant experiences.
  4. One letter of endorsement from a NAADA member at the member institution.

Selection Criteria and Process: Applicants will be evaluated based on potential contribution to NAADA and the member institution. The NAADA Executive Committee and other members as assigned will review and rank applications. The number of awards will be determined annually based on available funds from the Jane Longley-Cook Endowment.

Click here to submit your application today!